WordPress does not have a social media option, you can use the WordPress navigation menu to add social media icons to the WordPress menu.
In this page, we will learn how to add social media icon to a menu with the custom link in WordPress.
The advantage of adding social media icons
There are many advantages of using WordPress menus to add social media icon:-
- We can change the order of menus with simple drag and drop.
- Visitors can quickly access social media profile.
Steps Required
Firstly, you need to get the code for the social media icon from Font Awesome icon to add into the menu on your website.To do this,
- Go to font awesome website and search(CTRL+F) “Facebook”, then u will find facebook icons. Click on the icon which you want.
- Copy the HTML code and paste it in notepad.
Similarly, search for other social media icons like LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and save the icon code to notepad.
Steps to add Font Awesome Icon code to a menu.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus.
- Click on the custom link and give the required URL, Menu Name and paste the icon code you copied from Font Awesome site , then click on Add to Menu.
- Save Menu and preview.
If you want to set a target for this link then, go to screen option and select link target and come down to the menu and select “open link in new tab”.
Then, Save Menu and Preview.
So, we added the Facebook icon to the menu. Apply this same technique to add any social media icon you’d like.
If you want to show only the Facebook icon
Steps to add only social media icons to the WordPress menu are:-
- Go to Customize > Menus > Mega Menus .
- And remove the “Facebook” word in navigation label.
- Click on Published and Preview.
Here, only icon is added.
Similarly, we can add all social media icons to the menu.