Google Slides Shortcuts

Google Slides Shortcuts

In this article, we are going to show the most used and important Google slides shortcuts.

Important Tips
Do not try to learn all the shortcuts of Google Slides at once.

I am providing the list of most used shortcuts and you can try using the important ones first and use them frequently so that you do not need to memorize them. Use them often as a habit while preparing Google Slides.

Text Formatting shortcuts

Formatting TextWindowsMac
To Increase Font SizeCtrl + Shift + >Cmd + Shift + >
To Decrease Font SizeCtrl + Shift + <Cmd + Shift + <
Indent Paragraph to RightCtrl + ]Cmd + ]
Indent Paragraph to LeftCtrl + [Cmd + [

Text Align Shortcuts

Align TextWindowsMac
Align RightCtrl + Shift + RCmd + Shift + R
Align LeftCtrl + Shift + LCmd + Shift + L
Align CenterCtrl + Shift + ECmd + Shift + E
Align Justify textCtrl+ Shift + JCmd + Shift + J

Shortcuts on Lists

To convert to numbered listCtrl + Shift + 7Cmd + Shift + 7
To convert to bulleted listCtrl + Shift + 8Cmd + Shift + 8

Shortcuts related to Focus

Focus on 1st/Last slideWindowsMac
To focus the 1st slideHomeFn + Left arrow
To focus the Last slideEndFn + Right arrow

Shortcuts for selecting all slides till First/Last

Select all the slides till first/LastWindowsMac
To select all the slides until the last slideShift + EndShift + Fn + Right Arrow
To select all the slides until the first slideShift + HomeShift + Fn + Left Arrow

Shortcut to duplicate object like texts/images/Shapes

To duplicate an objectShift + DCmd + D

Shortcuts to open animations pane

To open animations panelAlt + Ctrl + Shift + BCmd + option + Shift + B

Shortcuts to Group/Ugroup

To Group objectsAlt + Ctrl + GCmd + option + G
To Ungroup objectsAlt + Ctrl + Shift + GCmd + option + Shift + G

Shortcuts to move an object to Front/Back/forward/Backward

To send an object to BackwardCtrl + ↓Cmd + ↓
To send an object to ForwardCtrl + ↑Cmd + ↑
To send an object to BackShift + Ctrl + ↓Shift + Cmd + ↓
To send an object to FrontShift + Ctrl + ↑Shift + Cmd + ↑

Shortcuts related to Slideshow Presentation

To present the  slides from current slideCtrl + F5Cmd + Enter
To present the  slides from 1st  slideCtrl + Shift + F5Cmd + Shift + Enter
To exit the current slideshowEscapeEscape

Master Shortcut to see all the Shortcuts in Google Slides

All Keyboard shortcutsWindowsMac
To open complete list of Shortcuts in Google SlidesCtrl + /Cmd + /

Bonus Tips

  • To insert an image from the local computer, simply drag that image to your Google Slides
  • We are not showing the basic shortcuts like Ctrl + A, Ctrl + V, etc because these are common shortcuts
  • Learn the shortcuts as per your usage. Slowly, you will be able to master them

If you are looking for a comprehensive list, visit the Official Google Slides Shortcuts Link.

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