Google Slides – Working with Text

Google Slides give users various options to format and edit your text. Google Slides give multiple shortcuts to format the text.

Format Text

You can add text using the Text box in Google Slides and select any font type and size. 

You can change the font size by increasing or decreasing the font size by selecting the font and clicking on the ‘+’ symbol in the toolbar to increase the font size until you get the desired font size. To decrease the font, click on the ‘’ symbol in the tool. 

Text Formatting Shortcuts

Formatting Text Windows Mac
Increase Font Size Ctrl + Shift + > Cmd + Shift + >
Decrease Font Size Ctrl + Shift + < Cmd + Shift + <
Indent Paragraph to Right Ctrl + ] Cmd + ]
Indent Paragraph to Left Ctrl + [ Cmd + [

How to Align Text in Google Slides

You can align the text to centerjustify, left or right.

Align TextWindowsMac
Align RightCtrl + Shift + RCmd + Shift + R
Align LeftCtrl + Shift + LCmd + Shift + L
Align CenterCtrl + Shift + ECmd + Shift + E
Justify textCtrl + Shift + JCmd + Shift + J
How to align text google slides

How to change the color of Text

Let us see how I can change the text color

Select the text to change its color and go to toolbar.

Bold, Italicize and Underline

Select the text and go to toolbar and bold the text, italicize the text or underline the text.

Google Slides bold italicize underline

Arrange the text box

There are 2 ways to arrange  the text box either to the center of the page horizontally or vertically.

Google slides arrange center page horizontally vertically

How to add Number list or Bulleted list

List is a great way to highlight an important point. There are 2 type of lists – Numbered List and Bulleted List.

To format the bullet or numbered list further, go to Format -> Bullets & Numbering, you can either click on either ‘Numbered List’ or ‘Bulleted List’ to format ‘Numbered list‘ or ‘Bulleted list’ respectively.

Google slides bulleted list numbered list
Google slides more bullets tutorialbrain

Once you click on ‘More bullets’, you will get –

Google Slides insert special characters bulleted points

Add Background color, Border color, Border weight

You can fill the Background color, Border color, Border weight and change the font size, etc.

Google Slides Fill color border color weight font

Textbox options

Google Slides text options with text box –

  • Do not autofit
  • Shrink text
  • Resize shape
Google slides not autofit shrink text resize shape

How to change the line spacing

To change the line spacing, go to ‘Line spacing‘ option in the toolbar.

Google slides line space

Bonus Tips

To add ‘More Fonts‘ to your Font list, go to Font -> More Fonts and select the font that you like.

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